Today began training for my final important race of 2013. It's at the end of the month. A 56 mile mountain bike race in Southern MO. One more month of strict scheduling and eating...
Our Journey
Monday, September 30, 2013
Some pics
That time of the year... All things pumpkin!
Cayle got a special treat that he bought himself with a free coupon.
Reading a book he got from the library
Grandpa B. Had created a new dropout to get the bike lower for Cayle. We just changed it back. He's getting so big!
Cupcakes that Natalie and her math geek teacher friends made for losing a bet at school.
Cousins in a small bathtub...
Don't like
This sign...
I guess riding the bike is not a good thing? At least that seems like what they are insinuating... But you notice the guy on the bike is much skinnier than the guy getting into the car... Just sayin...
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Natalie and I attended this past weekend. Grandma watched the kids for us. It was such an amazing experience for us to work on our communication skills and to renew our vows. It definitely brought us closer together. I was a little hesitant going into the weekend, not really knowing what to expect. I left feeling like a newlywed, super excited for tomorrow and the future of our relationship and our family. Some adjectives to describe the weekend for me. Exhilarating, fun, exciting, exhausting, anxious, vulnerable, feeling, joy, amazing.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
It's that time of the year. The time of year when the leaves begin to change color and drop from the trees. The time of year when the temperature begins to cool. The time of year when the days get shorter and the darkness gets longer. The time of year when the farmers are out getting the crops harvested. The single greatest factor that has immediate change on midwest landscape. One day there are endless fields of soybeans and corn. The next just barren, empty fields of stubble.
I have fond memories of being on the farm as a child with both of my grandpas. Most of my memories with my Grandpa Brummer are more just playing in the barns and being around the livestock, and catfishing in the pond. My dad's parents moved out of the farmhouse and into their current home when I was young. I don't have many memories of them living in the farmhouse. My moms parents however were still on the farm for most of my childhood even though they moved off the farm as well at some point. It's just a TON of work for the elderly to have to be responsible for all the time. And that's what farmers are. Responsible for everything that has to be taken care of on the farm.
I remember riding in the combine with my Grandpa Pruemer on a few occasions. I always thought it was the coolest thing ever to get out and harvest with him. It would always be at night, after dinner when he was working late. He would either take a break and come in for a short dinner and then head back out for a few more hours and take me with him, or Grandma and I would bring some food out to him and then I would get to climb up in the combine and ride along for a while before Grandma would come back out for me. I was young and The Harvest doesn't wait for anyone. When crops are ready to be out, they need to be out, and the farmers are out there all hours of the day and night working.
I also remember riding on the wheel well of the tractor as a child in the spring when it was time to disc the dirt to get ready for planting. Not as comfy as the spacious cab of the combine, but still way cool! Plus it's just so cool as a young child to hang out with your grandparents! (A big part of the reason we moved back from Colorado... and Cayle loves spending time with both sets of Grandparents!)
Now, I need to get Cayle out in the fields and on the farm for a bit. I believe we may have an opportunity at some point to get out in the same fields that my Grandpa Pruemer used to farm, as my Uncle now farms the family lands.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
First IL camping trip

Thursday, September 12, 2013
My baby girl!
Small Town Shocker
Case Link
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Pics from my ride
Amazing sunflower field along the road!
Love these super hilly, narrow country roads!
Like the idea of underground homes, but this one leaves a bit to be desired...
A few more years and the trees may completely cover this road...
Friday, September 6, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Soccer official
Can now be added to my resume. I've done 2 games as assistant ref (side judge) and 1 game as part of a 2 man team. 2 refs with equal power, both on the field. I definitely enjoy being on the field instead of just on the sideline. Last year I did a dew football games, but it just never felt natural. I didn't play football growing up. I was learning, and would have been fine it just didn't come naturally. When I started basketball last year and then soccer this year, so much of it just comes instinctually. I still have to study to get all the nuances of the game, and to be able to correctly interpret the rules, but the basic calls and the basic rules of the game feel routine. I played, coached, and understand basketball and soccer and I enjoy officiating them as well.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Puppies on the farm
They are so amazingly cute at this size. Plus the type of dog I've wanted for a long time now... Jack/rat terrier mix. But we have 3 puppies already, so not sure about another...
Lindy Leighn loved giving the puppies kisses!
Cayle got to hop in uncle Doug's combine for a bit! Maybe we can ride in it during harvesting in a few weeks...
Gateway Cup
Labor Day weekend bike races in STL. First time doing these as a cat III and first time doing these since we moved to Colorado. Tough races as there are always huge fields, good money paying out to 15 places, and racers from across the U.S. I didn't really know what to expect for myself, since I hadn't done many crits in a long time, but even though I didn't end up winning or placing in any money, I was pleasantly surprised. My fitness was good enough to easily hang out in the pack and to pretty much move around at will. The only thing really lacking other than experience was the super top end last lap kind of power.
Cayle got to do his very first race! Saturday at Francis Park. It was 108 degrees heat index... Miserably hot! His race started immediately after mine. So as soon as I finished, I tried to find him to help out since Natalie was also dealing with Lindy (supermom!) when I finally found him at the back of about 25, 3/4 yr olds, he was paralyzed with fear and crying while sweating... After the others took off, he finally agreed to go if I ran along with him. Keep in mind I was still in kit and sweating profusely... So I took my shoes off and ran with him. The crowd was going nuts as was the announcer, and Cayle loved it! The announcer said that "every finisher was a winner" so Cayle keeps repeating that and saying he's a winner. So proud of himself!
Our accommodations for the weekend were so amazing! We stayed at Natalie's uncles house near Troy, IL. It was so nice having meals and snacks made and a pool for the kids to play in!