Our Journey
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Sleeping in the rocker
Like an old man...
Catching a show while his sis and buddy nap.
I was in the kitchen cleaning and I heard him say, "daddy" I finished what I was doing (about 2 minutes) came in and found him like this...
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Day off
No Carter today. On these days I try to get out and do things with Cayle and Lindy that may be more difficult to do with 3 kids. This morning we went swimming at the pool, then Cayle had a large chocolate donut with sprinkles.
Then we went to the library to pick out some new books. Cayle rode his bike home from there and I walked with Lindy. 1.5 mile bike ride for my little boy! No complaining, he just enjoyed himself on this fine, sunny day. Once he saw a bus at a crosswalk and he waved at the driver and was so pleased with himself when the driver waved back. It was cute.
This afternoon we got out for a good bike ride. Saw some wild turkeys, which we hardly ever see out here, and enjoyed some much needed blue sky's and sunshine!
Crazy Sun
This pic is from Monday. Temp said 28 and I was outside shirtless... Cayle had on a sweatshirt and shorts and was playing comfortably. Just tells you how warm the sun can be at this altitude!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Face timing with my dad and brother while they vacation in Hawaii...
Friday, February 22, 2013
a mid-winter break...
on saturday, i headed to the mountain for a bit of skiing, then we picked grandma brummer up from the eagle airport. on sunday, we went to church and took cayle skiing. nick and i had a special date on monday and got to ski/snowboard together and get lunch out.
i hate to pat myself on the back, but i made a pretty darn good veggie lasagna monday night. on tuesday nick, cayle, and grandma headed up to maloit park to cross-country ski and play in the snow a bit.
nick and i also had an awesome dinner at paradigm's in eagle. nick, grandma, the kids and i went to the gypsum rec center pool for a while wednesday morning before heading over to yeti's for breakfast. wednesday night, we took cayle bowling for his first time. he loved it. it's definitely something we need to get him out for more often.
grandma had a flight out of eagle thursday morning, which, due to a snow storm, turned in to thursday afternoon. today we got groceries and cayle and daddy played outside. tonight we're heading to a housewarming party for some friends. we still have the rest of the weekend - lots of options and lots more family time until work resumes on monday.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Cayle went bowling for the first time tonight. Grandma took us all to The Back Bowl for an hour of bowling and dinner. Cayle really enjoyed himself! Natalie was on fire! She started out with consecutive strikes. I ended up beating her by just 3 pins! 146-143.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Valentines Day

Thursday, February 14, 2013
V-day bike ride
Near 40 and sunny, gotta get out for a ride! Got a nice 17 miles with the kids.
Love this pic!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Nap time
Now that Cayle has stopped his regular afternoon nap, it's always interesting to see where he just passes out because he's so tired!
As you can see he clearly favors the couch, area rug, or recliner in the living room. It usually happens after he adamantly states "Cayle not tired, not going night night..." Sometimes though he says, "Cayle very tired..."