When Cayle was born, he was given a Taggie - a small blankie with ribbon tags on its perimeter. We thought it was cool and hoped Cayle would use it in place of carrying a large blankie around like so many kids seem to do. Fast forward a few years, and Cayle and his Taggie are like BFFs! Cayle carries his Taggie around the house, takes it everywhere with him, and sleeps with it for every nap and each night.
Lindy also has a Taggie, and Nick's mom commented on her using it. Cathy said she hadn't thought Lindy was very attached to it, but after seeing how it worked its magic in church on Sunday, she came to a different conclusion. Lindy was tired when church started, so I gave her a paci and her Taggie, and she was immediately rubbing her Taggie and was asleep within moments.

Tonight on the way back from the airport, Cayle dropped his Taggie. It was dark, and we were just getting in to the mountains. Nick couldn't feel the Taggie from his location in the driver's seat, and I couldn't find the Taggie from the other side of the backseat. So we told Cayle he'd just have to wait until we got home for his Taggie. Cayle asked for the Taggie hundreds of times. Literally, hundreds. "Cayle want his Taggie." (repeat 50 times) "Cayle want his Taggie PUHLEASE! (repeat ten times) "Cayle want his Taggie." (repeat another 50 times) He finally fell asleep after over an hour of this, slept for about 15 minutes, and then woke up and asked for his Taggie...