Our Journey
Monday, November 29, 2010
Such a Happy Boy
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving Celebration and x-country skiing
What a great weekend! Lots of relaxing time with friends and Cayle :) The first picture is Natalie planted in front of the tv with her coffee, waiting patiently for her cousin Delaney to perform the opening act of the parade. Unfortunately, we weren't able to find Delaney in the crowd, but the parade was fun to watch anyway!
We had an awesome spread of food for Thanksgiving lunch. All this food below, in addition to the table of appetizers we had in the other room. Lots and lots of amazing food!
Cayle's first Thanksgiving. He wore his Thanksgiving bib to celebrate the event. He had started solids a few days before and had enjoyed rice cereal, bananas and avocado. Thanksgiving was his first attempt at sweet potatoes! He really enjoyed them...and his fingers, of course!
Family photo on Thanksgiving. Too bad Cayle wasn't interested in the photo!
Delicious, scrumptious mini cheesecakes made by Jess. Unfortunately, there were a few left over at the end of the day and she had to leave them with us. Pretty sure they were consumed for breakfast on Friday...
This next picture is hilarious. It was Cayle's first time to help decorate for Christmas. So, here he is holding on to Santa for mommy. Cayle looks so serious!
The next photos are from cross-country skiing we did on Saturday. We went up Valley Road to find some nice snow. It was Natalie's first time on the skis, and she only face-planted once!

Cayle at the end of our cross-country skiing session. He clearly enjoys his time in the Chariot. He was super-bundled up and stayed nice and warm :)
Only three weeks of school until Christmas Break!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a fantastic turkey day complete with the best turkey I've ever had, and the best sweet potatoes I've ever had, all while hanging out with great friends!
Thanks to my lovely wife for the feast, and for being with me, and providing me with the best son ever! Thanks to mine and my wife's families for all your love and support! Thanks to all of our friends for hanging with us and helping us out when needed! Thanks to God for giving us this wonderful place to live, and all of the fantastic food to celebrate this wonderful day! We are so blessed to be able to live where we do and work where we do and enjoy the activities that we enjoy with our baby son!
This really is a holiday to be celebrated with family and friends around a good meal! The food is a means to bring everyone together for good camaraderie. THANKS ALL!

We had a fantastic turkey day complete with the best turkey I've ever had, and the best sweet potatoes I've ever had, all while hanging out with great friends!
Thanks to my lovely wife for the feast, and for being with me, and providing me with the best son ever! Thanks to mine and my wife's families for all your love and support! Thanks to all of our friends for hanging with us and helping us out when needed! Thanks to God for giving us this wonderful place to live, and all of the fantastic food to celebrate this wonderful day! We are so blessed to be able to live where we do and work where we do and enjoy the activities that we enjoy with our baby son!
This really is a holiday to be celebrated with family and friends around a good meal! The food is a means to bring everyone together for good camaraderie. THANKS ALL!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Fantastic Day Off
Started my day with hanging out with Cayle and Natalie and having coffee. Wish everyday started with just a bit of lounging around like this. Swam at the rec center this morning for the first time in a while. It actually went really well! I remember this time last year, I was just teaching myself how to swim and breathe properly, and I SUCKED! It was super hard to get into any kind of rhythm. It's so nice now to just be able to go to the pool, swim 500+ yards, and get a good workout!
Cayle has started in on the avocodo... in case you can't tell from the green stuff all over his face...
After swimming we set up the house for the Thanksgiving feast tomorrow. We cleaned and arranged furniture, and Natalie slaved away in the kitchen preparing food for tomorrow.
At 3 I went and picked up Mark, and we headed up Valley road for some x-country skiing and snowshoeing. He snowshoed and I skied. It was fantastic! I got to explore a new side road. There was about a foot of powder that was completely untouched by human feet. Just the two of us surrounded by nature and silence. It was about 5 degrees up there, but we were soon taking off hats and gloves in an effort to keep from sweating too much. About 45 minutes up, and about 20 minutes back down for an awesome workout! I'm loving the skis, an excellent purchase it seems!
Mark looking down over Valley Road down below us.

Is this picture senior picturesque enough???
After swimming we set up the house for the Thanksgiving feast tomorrow. We cleaned and arranged furniture, and Natalie slaved away in the kitchen preparing food for tomorrow.
At 3 I went and picked up Mark, and we headed up Valley road for some x-country skiing and snowshoeing. He snowshoed and I skied. It was fantastic! I got to explore a new side road. There was about a foot of powder that was completely untouched by human feet. Just the two of us surrounded by nature and silence. It was about 5 degrees up there, but we were soon taking off hats and gloves in an effort to keep from sweating too much. About 45 minutes up, and about 20 minutes back down for an awesome workout! I'm loving the skis, an excellent purchase it seems!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Doctor and Sunrise
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Cayle's Sunday
Saturday, November 20, 2010
So now that it is officially over a month past the time of this party, I guess I can write about it. I decided I wanted to have an Oktoberfest party where we drank only Oktoberfest or Fall Seasonal beers, and sat around the fire pit out back and cooked s'mores. Natalie went along with it as long as I was the one in charge, and took care of most of the details. Sure enough! We ended up with about 20-30 people over here, and spent most of the night hovered around the fire in the back yard, or hovered around the amazing appetizers in the kitchen. We had at least 10 different types of beers for people to sample or drink. We had little sample cups out, so people could browse the different flavors before choosing which one to drink. The tub below was sitting in the kitchen with the sample beers, and we had a cooler out back with several of each flavor to choose your favorite. I think the party was a success! I know I had fun hanging with good friends, and sampling good drinks!
It was really nice sitting by the fire. I love these cool fall nights around the fire!

Two of our Social Studies teachers sharing a "special" moment.... :-)
Below is the result of the many "samplings" that we tried...
Yummy Goodness!!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
The shelf I built last weekend with a few of the bikes hanging underneath it. It's working great! All we have up on top so far is the camping stuff, but as soon as the holidays are over, all those boxes will go up there as well.

Cayle had his first off-road ride behind the bike this afternoon. We went up Spring Creek Road (dirt and rock) up behind our house for a couple of miles. It was a slow climb, so I think it was a good pace for him. Good training for me pulling him! He never woke up, so it must have been a pretty smooth ride.
May have been just a little bit muddy in some spots, but he sure didn't seem to mind. 
A little video of a momma playing with her baby boy... Cayle is so full of laughs! He loves to laugh, and it's so much fun! (He also loves to sleep, which mommy and daddy love.... :-)
Cayle had his first off-road ride behind the bike this afternoon. We went up Spring Creek Road (dirt and rock) up behind our house for a couple of miles. It was a slow climb, so I think it was a good pace for him. Good training for me pulling him! He never woke up, so it must have been a pretty smooth ride.
A little video of a momma playing with her baby boy... Cayle is so full of laughs! He loves to laugh, and it's so much fun! (He also loves to sleep, which mommy and daddy love.... :-)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Cayle hanging with Grandma
Grandma has to do stretches every day to rehab her knee. Here she is teaching Cayle how to stretch. He seem to really get into it!
He's so talented, he can stretch and suck his fingers at the same time. Sometimes his toes also find their way into his mouth.
Let's stretch the left leg now Cayle. Feel the burn, feel the burn....
Cayle in the rocking chair with grandma. Before I took this video he was actually trying to go to sleep. Guess he wanted some camera time.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
New Shelf
Spent the day on Saturday building a new shelf in the garage. More storage space, without taking up extra room in the garage. You can't beat that with a stick! This shelf will give us lots of room for seasonal things, and tubs of Christmas items. It sits up above the bikes in the garage. Mark stopped by to help for a couple of hours, and Natalie helped measure and cut the plywood for the top pieces. Worked on it from about 1030 am till 400 pm. It went excellent, and looks fantastic!
Before the shelf....
After all the work is done....
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
2.99 New York Strips

Went out tonight with Mom, T & A, and Mark and his mother for $2.99 New York Strip Steaks at the Minturn Country Club. The atmosphere at this place is super cool. Kind of grungy, and very crowded, but hey, what do you expect when you can get a 6 oz steak for 3 bucks and you get to grill it yourself! It is fun, and the food is good! We really like it when they have this deal, and it was cool to bring mom to it as well. Cayle is loving having her stay with him during the days while we are at school!
This is a cool post of Cayles time with his sitter last Friday while mommy and daddy enjoyed a little dinner out together. :)
Click Here for Post
This picture cracks me up! Cayle must have fallen and been trying to get up or something... I guess I need to teach him some wrestling skills, so that he can defend himself in the future.... :-)
Click Here for Post
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Last ride on Hardscrabble for 2010
A co-worker, James asked me to go on a mountain bike ride with him on Friday after school. Kind of a final good ride on Hardscrabble between Eagle and Gypsum. We headed up the Hockett trail, then over to Itch and around to and down Scratch, then down Worlds Greatest in the Dark. They have a new sign system marking the trails on Hardscrabble, and it is AWESOME! I can finally tell where I am, and where I should go! Awesome ride, and it was great to get out on the mountain bike again! That will probably be my last ride up that direction this year. Some parts of the trail were already covered with snow, but for the most part the dirt was fantastic! Time now to get ready for snow. It's coming soon....
Friday, November 5, 2010
Un-Freaking Believable!!!
Driver who hit a Cyclist then fled the scene will not be prosecuted in Eagle County because he has too much money, and a felony could damage his ability to do business! He hit a Doctor none the less.
I try to be fair in most of these cases.... maybe the cyclist wasn't where they should have been on the road, or maybe they swerved out into the car... but no, in this case the Prosecution came right out and said that they wouldn't prosecute the man because he manages a Billion dollars of assets! I can't believe he just came right out and said that the man wouldn't be prosecuted because the Felony charge may hurt his business! This is pure craziness!
I try to be fair in most of these cases.... maybe the cyclist wasn't where they should have been on the road, or maybe they swerved out into the car... but no, in this case the Prosecution came right out and said that they wouldn't prosecute the man because he manages a Billion dollars of assets! I can't believe he just came right out and said that the man wouldn't be prosecuted because the Felony charge may hurt his business! This is pure craziness!
It's Coming!!!!
The Quiznos Pro Tour Challenge is coming to Colorado summer 2011!!! We should be able to make several of the stages, as they are within an hour of the house. Especially the TT in Vail, and the stage leaving out of Avon heading to Steamboat. I can't remember being so excited about a professional sporting event. They will be riding on the same roads that I ride on, on a regular basis!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Bike Ride
Got out for a bike ride with Cayle this afternoon after school. Nice sunny afternoon. It was our farthest ride together so far. About 23 miles into Eagle and back. Cayle slept about half the time, but never made any noise, so I think he enjoyed his ride in the Chariot. It was nice to get out on my road bike again!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
farmer boy
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