I have been wanting to blog about lots of things for a while now, but have been unmotivated/busy with my son to do so.... First up is Father's Day. This was my first Father's Day, and it was amazing! Natalie gave me the first 1/2 of the day off to go for a bike ride with a bunch of other Dads from around the valley. I left the house on my bike at about 6:45 a.m to meet some guys in Eagle for a ride up to Minturn. We left the Minturn Forest Service parking lot at 7:30. On the agenda for the day was about 80 miles and 4 passes. First up was Battle Mountain, then Tennessee, up next would be Fremont, and finally Vail. We rolled out with close to 40 guys! It was a large group, and the largest group of road bikers I have ridden with since I have been out here. At the top of 3 of the passes a couple of the moms had an aide stations set up, complete with lots of energy food, electrolyte tablets, and soda! I may have went out a little too hard on the first pass (Battle Mountain) but crested just slightly behind the lead guys (including several pro mountain bikers....) Once we hit the 2nd pass, the others went uphill, and made me look like I was going backward.... Did ok on this one however once I got my rhythm. The next was Fremont, where I bonked big time! Had no energy whatsoever. Hit 59.5 mph going down the other side of Fremont, and then hit Vail pass back with the lead riders. Did ok over Vail, kinda riding my own pace, and back to the parking lot outside of Minturn. I finished with 85 miles, and lots of climbing!!! I was fried. Came home to rest my legs and hang out with my son and wife for a while before we all went out for dinner in Edwards. Fish and Chips to replace some of the 3,000 calories I spent on that ride..... Great first fathers day!